upWork Freelance Marketplace Review, Is It Any Good?

I’ve plenty of time even after doing Psychic work. I wanted to know if upWork is any good to make some quick bucks?

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upWork is a fish market, as a newcomer you will struggle to get anything going. Their support sucks. I’ve been both as client and freelancer on upWork and both sides it has been utter disappointed. They used to be some good in the past but now they are just money hungry corporate.

They just increased their prices so they suck even more.

Used to get in touch with a live chat support, now can’t do that tried many times.

There are many free job sites where you can find plenty of freelance jobs such as followings:

There is a job site run by UK government and you can find plenty of jobs there too

There are many job sites out there, you will have to try and find what suites you.

As far as upWork is concerned better avoid it as it is a total waste of your time.