Hello All,
I’m trying to apply for Live Psychic Chat App Jobs but I’m not able to show them my online experience. I used to work on keen but they let me go and I don’t have any proof of working there. Can you help me on getting verification code for LPC app?
They need to see your online experience with testimonials and earnings. They are very strict with the experience and feedback requirements. You can show the earnings from your bank statements when you worked on keen. For testimonials try to search for your profile screenshots from the past in case you have it.
Thanks for the reply Amelia.
I think I can find bank statements. For the screenshot I’ll have to search on my laptop. Thanks again for the hint. I wanted to ask what if I can’t provide testimonials screenshot? Would they still accept me based on my earnings?
If you have been earning over $1k/month then you may get away with testimonials requirements, just explain to them your situation. Show them as many months of consistent earnings as you can find. Talk to them on WhatsApp Chat, they will understand.