Fired from purple ocean after 9 years


I’m psychic mae Emerson.
I worked for purple ocean for over 9 years
I had over 6000 positive reviews and worked
My heart out for that company, I always made sure to keep in line with all their rules and made them thousands of dollars. And just afew days ago I got fired without much info. I think the BS reason they gave me was that I used to work with keen before working for them and keen fired me after 10 years! Without any explanation at all! I knew it was going to be bad when Ingenio bought PO but it’s not fair to be fired for no reason. Now I’m having a very hard time finding a job because they erased all my hard earned reviews and they are no help. I don’t know how to show my experience and a lot of this psychic networks are so difficult. Please someone help. I’m so torn.


OMG! that is so horrible to just fore anyone for no reason. The worst is that they wipe out your profile and remove all your reviews which you have earned over the years. This is like wiping out your existence. Most of the psychic sites will ask for your experience and testimonials which you can’t proof anymore. Well it is all done, there is nothing you can do about it. You can join other sites and may be use bank statements to show the proof of earning from Purple Ocean. I Wish you good luck!

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If your ratings from their and reviews were taken off a website, you can probably make a copy of using the “Wayback Machine” Internet archive - You might consider creating your own website that YOU control (not the free ones) Ask me and I’ll give you some suggestions and help…

It makes me sick in stomach to read that these psychic sites fire you without any reason. It is pathetic act from them. Unless you violate their terms they shouldn’t just fire you. It is time to move on.

You can join various psychic sites from You can also try other psychic sites/apps. There are plenty keep coming.

Creating your own website will not get you business. It is so hard now a days to get some decent earnings from your own website. You have to do hell lot of promotions, SEO, marketing, Social Media etc. The reason why psychic apps/sites are popiular because clients get to try different psychic advisors and they are turstworthy. I would say stick to psychic apps if you want to keep earning money online.

Live Psychic Chat is the best psychic site to join right now. You can tell them your story and provide some sort of proof of experience and they will accept you.